Interlocking Directorships

The Most Common Patterns of Interlocking Directorships

The interlocking directorships technique proceeds from the fact that management personnel has neither the opportunity nor the need to know, see and determine everything themselves, and also from the fact that not all processes in an enterprise are of equal importance and require equal attention from management.

Interlocking Directorships as Change Management Tool

In terms of market relations, quality is ensured and guaranteed by the enterprise. And if it is not provided and not guaranteed, the enterprise dies: it is automatically provided by the same market, but a normal market, with a balanced supply and demand. For managers, the business process model of the entire enterprise allows them to better understand the relationship between individual processes and departments, to correctly form the organizational structure and regulatory and administrative documentation.

The concept of the interlocking directorships technique combines a number of interrelated and fundamental parameters of leadership that set the boundaries and determine the general standards of the leader and, accordingly, subordinates. The leader has the ability to vary one style or another within a specific technique (for example, to be more or less cooperative), i.e., we are talking about the free space that is provided to him for his managerial activities. However, as practice shows, this tool is in many respects imperfect, unable to establish the necessary regulations for the performance of all objectively necessary management tasks.

Change management advice with interlocking directorships:

  1. Start small with a vision.
  2. Gradually move forward.
  3. Don’t plan ahead.
  4. Respond to emerging issues.

Which Are the Most Important Patterns of Interlocking Directorships?

Any enterprise can be considered as a complex system for which it is practically impossible to obtain a single description of the process of its production activities that answers all questions in terms of management and management, suitable for achieving all key goals and objectives. Being inherently multifaceted in form and content of representation, the enterprise as a set of interrelated components can be described as a number of independent, complete “projections,” the number of which is determined mainly by the goals of management.

A process management system of interlocking directorships is a set of tools that make the work of an organization more client-centric and transparent, making it easier for employees to understand its internal structure. The transition to a process management system is possible only with the active participation of the manager; the implementing unit can be a process office. The most important patterns of interlocking directorships:

  • The focus of the process approach is the client and the end result.
  • Process owners play a key role in process management.
  • The phased implementation of the process approach consists of the formation of a catalog of processes, their top-level and detailed description, and a role management model.
  • The choice of process visualization tool depends on the type of process and the purpose of mapping.

The essence of interlocking directorship consists in the performance of individual functions by specialized management bodies and individual specialists who have significant management powers. In the organization of hotel management, specialists of the same profile are mostly united in structural subdivisions (departments), for example, in marketing, reception and accommodation, finance, commercial, etc. departments. This is currently the most common means of establishing boundaries between the activities of various management bodies within the system, defining the range of functional responsibilities of each employee of the management apparatus.


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